Why rust needs pin?

If you ever looked into the Future trait in Rust, you will notice that poll accepts Pin<&mut Self> instead of just &mut Self.

    fn poll(
        self: std::pin::Pin<&mut Self>,
        cx: &mut std::task::Context<'_>,
    ) -> std::task::Poll<Self::Output>;

What is Pin and why does rust need that?

# What is Pin?

In rust, there are two categories of types, depending on whether it is safe to move them around in the memory. Most types can be moved around, which means that by doing so, no pointer will be invalidated.

At a high level, a Pin<P> ensures that the pointee of any pointer type P has a stable location in memory, meaning it cannot be moved elsewhere and its memory cannot be deallocated until it gets dropped.

Let's consider a self-referential structure like this:

pub struct T {
    pub pointer: *const T,

And what will happen, if we move it?

fn main() {
    let mut a = T {
        pointer: std::ptr::null(),
        // _marker: std::marker::PhantomPinned,
    a.pointer = &a;
    println!("{:p}: {:p}", &a, a.pointer);
    let c = a;
    println!("{:p}: {:p}", &c, c.pointer);

You will get:

// a: a.pointer
0x7ffdee3f5b70: 0x7ffdee3f5b70
// c: c.pointer
0x7ffdee3f5bd8: 0x7ffdee3f5b70

After moving, T is not self-referential anymore. It holds a pointer which points to a data field inside another object.

Here's a another example using std::mem:swap:

fn main() {
    let mut a = T {
        pointer: std::ptr::null(),

    let mut b = T {
        pointer: std::ptr::null(),
    a.pointer = &a;
    b.pointer = &b;

    println!("{:p}: {:p}", &a, a.pointer);
    println!("{:p}: {:p}", &b, b.pointer);
    // move a into b by swapping them
    std::mem::swap(&mut a, &mut b);
    println!("{:p}: {:p}", &a, a.pointer);
    println!("{:p}: {:p}", &b, b.pointer);


After running the above code, you will get this:

// before swapping
0x7ffecef36320: 0x7ffecef36320
0x7ffecef36328: 0x7ffecef36328
// after swapping
0x7ffecef36320: 0x7ffecef36328
0x7ffecef36328: 0x7ffecef36320

If we use Pin<T>, we could not actually obtain a Box<T> or &mut T to pinned data. This implies that we cannot use operations such as std::mem::swap which takes &mut T as parameters.

Here's an example of using Pin to construct T.

pub struct T {
    pub pointer: *const T,
    _marker: std::marker::PhantomPinned,

fn main() {
    let mut a = T {
        pointer: std::ptr::null(),
        _marker: std::marker::PhantomPinned,
    a.pointer = &a;
    let a = std::boxed::Box::pin(a);
    println!("Box: {:p}, a: {:p}, a.pointer: {:p}", &a, &*a, a.pointer);
    // we move a into c
    let c = a;
    println!("Box: {:p}, c: {:p}, c.pointer: {:p}", &c, &*c, c.pointer);

There are three things to notice:

  1. We add std::marker::PhantomPinned to T, which means that T can not be unpinned. It's the same with unsafe impl !Unpin for T{}.
  2. Since T is unpinnable, we can not use std::pin::Pin::new(&mut a) to construct the Pin<&mut T>. Instead, we use std::boxed::Box::pin(a).
  3. When moving a into c, what we really do, is move the Box, not the T inside.

The output is reasonable considering tips above.

Box: 0x7ffd476154b8, a: 0x564cdb83bad0, a.pointer: 0x564cdb83bad0
Box: 0x7ffd47615530, c: 0x564cdb83bad0, c.pointer: 0x564cdb83bad0

The reason why std::pin::Pin::new(T) requires T to be unpinnable is pretty clear now. That prevents us from messing up the program by moving Pin<T> around when T is not unpinnable.

# Why does Future needs Pin?

In Rust, async machinery is implemented as a stackless state machine. It transforms local variables and current state into an anonymous sturct. If the async block contains the reference like this:

async {
    let mut x = [0; 128];
    let read_into_buf_fut = read_into_buf(&mut x);
    println!("{:?}", x);

It will be transformed into:

struct ReadIntoBuf<'a> {
    buf: &'a mut [u8], // points to `x` below

struct AsyncFuture {
    x: [u8; 128],
    read_into_buf_fut: ReadIntoBuf<'_>,

If AsyncFuture is moved, then read_into_buf_fut.buf will point to somewhere invaild. That's why we need to pin the Future.

# References:

  1. Execellent post by couldflare. (opens new window)
  2. Rust Async book. (opens new window)
  3. Rust pin doc. (opens new window)
  4. The Why, What, and How of Pinning in Rust (opens new window)